See News: 20-07 CMCdN 2021 cancelled

CEC program 2021 cancelled
News about "New ECMO site"

Provisional Calendar 2021


European Classic Motocross Organization

The organization who cherish the classic motocross in Europe

Our goal is to keep classic motorbikes as original as possible and race them in the way of the time of their origin


Every year, owners of classic moto cross bikes and lovers of the classic cross, from several European countries,
participate and compete in a competition for the individual European Championship, the 
lassic European Championship
There is a competition over three races in five separate age groups.

Besides that there is every year the famous Classic Moto Cross des Nations. 
Every (ECMO member) country is allowed to participate with one team of four riders (max) in each different age group.
This race is for the honour and glory of the country. 


Here you can find all up to date information of the ECMO races in Europe

  Organizers of events can send messages to to put in this site